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About Us What & who makes us tick!

From the first day, we have believed in your success, we have had faith in our abilities and we have sworn by the computer code. As we said, it is not work, it is our duty. Our laser focus on your satisfaction has been the key differentiator for our business. Our inquisitive nature and our creativity ensure that we never set out on our method to face new challenges. It is the perfect mix for an exceptional digital product.

Technological Capabilities

Being completely customer oriented, we have rich experience in various platforms. Time after time we have created teams that exactly match the client’s requirements, regardless of Intraps’s experience with that ability. This gives our clients a lot of confidence to take advantage of the best technological environment for the work in question without worrying about access to resources with the right skills.

Our experience covers platform technologies (.NET and Java), web services, mobile technologies, communication protocols, integrated systems, legacy programming languages ​​and EAI. We also have extensive experience in multi-level architecture frameworks ranging from mainframes, to clients / servers, to web-based systems and SOA.

Depth of the process

Our experience in waterfall, iterative, hybrid, RAD, DSDM and other application development models allows us to meet the various requests of customers.

We have an internal Quality Management System (QMS) that acts as a guide for all employees in terms of processes, formats, etc. The SGC is an amalgamation of

  • Best practices in the industry
  • Our experience of more than a decade in remote execution.
  • Learning from our clients

Our customers can develop QMS to reach the customer driven process (CDP) that exactly matches their needs. CDP, in turn, is a living organism that breathes and evolves as the commitment matures.

Our Quality

The QA / Testing services are an integral part of our development methodology and one of our core competencies. In Intraps, the QA / Testing team participates in the project from the first day, from the “Requirements” phase. The QA team also participates in the design meetings. This helps the QA / Testing team to define the quality and testing strategy for the project. Due to this degree of participation, the QA / Testing team has improved the quality of delivery in the design phase on numerous occasions.

Company History

Feb 2014
The company was born
Sept 2014
The company lands first major contract
Dec 2014
Start New Project SocietyGate
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